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Hello! I'm
Bhavna Paikattil.

A Product Designer from New York.

For me, the only thing better than solving the problem is identifying the problem.

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view my projects

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University Meal Program

Enhancing multiple stakeholder experiences at Pratt Brooklyn for the meal program offered to students 

Service Design

UX Design

Emotional Design

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PlanPals, Travel Planning App

Enabling a simpler way to plan trips with a large group of friends with the use of AI 



UI Design

UX Design

NYC Parks Redesign

Redesigning the NYC Gov parks page to cater to the new target audience for a smoother user experience

Information Architecture

UX Design

UI Design

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UX Consultation: Port Washington Children's Center

Improving the conversion rate of new users of the Port Washington Children's Center website & reduce bounce rates.

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Usability Testing

UX Research

Heuristic Evaluation


Cibus, Nutrition Tracker

A helping aid for parents to ensure nutrition intake for children who may be fussy eaters

Industrial Design

UI Design

UX Research

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explore some more of my interests

Visual Design

Explore more of my Visual Design interests and growing skills.ʉϬ

Poster Design

UI Design


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